Concurrent with the Food Taipei Mega Show attended by more than 47,000 visitors, USAPEEC arranged a Gratitude Dinner for members of the Poultry Association of the Republic of China. The Association, founded in 1993, has more than 200 members throughout Taiwan and is involved in the trade of both domestic and imported chicken.
Taiwan has experienced shortages of chicken due to outbreaks of HPAI in previous years including 2023. Currently with restocking, there is a temporary over-supply with a sharp decline in wholesale prices expected to persist for many months.
USAPEEC maintains a close relationship with the Poultry Association and the Poultry Sales and Development Association of Taiwan given their respective roles in both production and importation.
During 2023, 3rd-ranked Taiwan imported 272,289 metric tons of U.S. chicken products valued at $352 million, and respectively 16 and 24 percent higher in volume and value compared to 2022.